Legal Encyclopaedias and Other Works


  • Article "The articulation between antitrust law and merger law" ("L'articulation entre le droit antitrust et le droit des concentrations"), chapter in the book "La systématique des contentieux concurrence en Europe", Bruylant ed., Nov. 2021
  • Article "Competition law, obstacle or ally of IP international strategies?" ("Le droit de la concurrence, obstacle ou allié des stratégies internationales de droits de propriété intellectuelle ?"), chapter of the book, "Stratégies internationales et propriété intellectuelle", Larcier ed., March 2019
  • Chapter regarding the "Articulation between European and National competition law ", Wolters Kluwer/Lamy Economique (Law encyclopedia), yearly ed. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
  • "Cartel Law – Article 101, §3, Block Exemption Regulations" booklet, Jurisclasseur Concurrence-Consommation, 2009, 2013 and a new version in June 2016
  • "Cartel Law – Article 101, §1 & 2" booklet, Jurisclasseur Concurrence-Consommation, LexisNexis, 2006, 2011 and a new version in September 2015
  • "Cartel Law – Article 101, §3" booklet, Jurisclasseur Concurrence-Consommation, LexisNexis, 2008, 2011 and a new version in September 2015
  • LexisNexis French and European Competition Law E-booklets 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
  • "Updates in the Interaction Between Competition and Industrial Property" in Innovation et Droit, Actualité de la Jurisprudence en Matière de Propriété Industrielle, Documents from the Symposium Organised on 22 May 2012 by the National Intellectual Property Institute